Wednesday, March 10, 2010

TAG: Sho Nuff Tweeking Interest!

I sent out a reminder about the "Theology After Google Conference" and got some great responses. This one from a "friend of CST" caught my eye, so I got permission to share it:
Thanks for the reminder. I'll try to make it. With the design & content of this event Phil Clayton is sho nuff tweaking my biases. Over the past 4 months I've sat next to hundreds of young people, who I'm convinced couldn't pass freshman dumbbell English, furiously pressing their plump little thumbs into tiny keys (as I am now, incidentally), texting their "others" (significant or otherwise) with grammatically challenged, coded messages, most adapted from the latest hip-hop jargon; from Kum-ba-ya to Kum-ba-YO! It's theology via "Li'l Wayne", with his eternally electronically altered whine. (Who's the singer who sings "Just Drop It in the Bag"?)

I've attended funerals at Michael Beckwith's church in LA (a version of Religious Science), where the lights go dim and eery, SciFi sounds are emitted from the loudspeakers, while plasma screens treat the worshipers to the sound of crashing surf and there's a whole lot of "wafting" going on to connect with The Infinite!

Nonetheless, I deem this conference to have valuable potential for theology and liturgy, so perhaps I'll just "Drop It in the Bag" & "cum 2 kampus" for the challenge!

He seems to be challenging us to bring the theology! Think you'll be able to identify the person? This is gonna be fun! What do you think?

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Theology After Google